create “save_result” applet
- open Do more with Webhooks - IFTTTin browser
- push “+this” button
- search “webhooks”
- push “Webhooks” icon
- push “Receive a web request” area
- type “save_result” in the Event Name text field
- push “Create trigger” button
- push “+that” button
- search “Google Sheets”
- push “Google Sheets” icon
- select “Add row to spreadsheet”
- push “Create action” button without changing the following default parameters:
- Spreadsheet name: IFTTT_Maker_Webhooks_Events
- Formatted row: {{OccurredAt}} ||| {{EventName}} ||| {{Value1}} |||{{Value2}} ||| {{Value3}}
- Drive folder path: IFTTT/MakerWebooks/{{EventName}}
test “save_result” applet
- open Do more with Webhooks - IFTTTin browser
- push “Documentation Button”
- test the applet with your key by following the steps in
$ curl -isX POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"value1":"first", "value2":"second", "value3":"third"}'
- verify your Google sheets “IFTTT_Maker_Webhooks_Events”,, and check if the parameters are saved in a new row.